Woocommerce Shipping Calculator On Product Page

Allow your customer to calculate shipping before adding product to the cart with avaialable shipping methods.

Thank you for purchasing my plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form or email on [email protected]. Thanks so much!


There are two primary methods for installing any WordPress plugin.

Install with a zip file

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, choose Plugins > Add New
  2. Select Upload from the set of links at the top of the page (the second link)
  3. From here, browse for the zip file included in your plugin purchase titled rp-woo-shipping-calculator.zip and click the Install Now button
  4. Once installation is complete, click Activate Plugin to activate it and enable its features.

Install by FTP Manager

If you are have no previous web experience and have no idea what an FTP Manager is, then this option is not for you.

  1. Access your host through the FTP manager
  2. Access the plugins directory of your WordPress install /(WordPress directory)/wp-content/plugins/

    If WordPress is installed on the root folder the directory is /wp-content/plugins/

  3. Find the directory titled rp-woo-shipping-calculator and upload it and all files within to the directory from the previous step.
  4. From your WordPress dashboard, choose Plugins > Installed Plugins
  5. Locate the newly added plugin and click on the Activate link to enable its features.


General Settings

From your WordPress dashboard, choose WooCommerce > Shipping Calculator > General Settings

settings Enable

This option enable/disable plugin functionality on frontend.

Enabled for all products

This setting enables shipping calculator on all product page.

Button position on product page

You can change position of calculator on product page using this setting

Display shipping message

You can change calculated shipping method message position using this setting. you can display shipping message before or after shipping calculator form

Auto load shipping method and cost?

It will auto load shipping method and cost. If disable, it will not show shipping cost till user enter address manually. We recommend keeping it disabled

Default open shipping calculator?

Using this option, you can open address from by default.

Remove shipping country if ship in single country?

If Yes and you ship in single county, this option hide shipping country field in shipping calculator.

Remove state field if shipping not dependent on state?

If Yes, It will remove state field from shipping calculator. Only select yes if you shipping calculation not dependent on sate field

Remove Town/City field if shipping not dependent on Town/City?

If Yes, It will remove Town/City field from shipping calculator. Only select yes if you shipping calculation not dependent on Town/City field

Remove Postcode/Zipcode field if shipping not dependent on Postcode/Zipcode?

If Yes, It will remove Postcode/Zipcode field from shipping calculator. Only select yes if you shipping calculation not dependent on Postcode/Zipcode field

Text Settings

From your WordPress dashboard, choose WooCommerce > Shipping Calculator > Text Settings

Text Settings Shipping button text

Using this option you can change shipping calculation button text

Address form submit button text

Using this option you can change button text of address form

Text before available shipping method list

Using this option you can add text before shipping methods

Message shown when no shipping method available

Using this option you can display text if no shipping method available for user entered address

Design Settings

From your WordPress dashboard, choose WooCommerce > Shipping Calculator > Design Settings

Design Settings

Using design setting options, you can change design of calculators like button detsign, shipping method color, shipping cost color etc...


Available hooks for plugin

1. Hook for change shipping method title

	    $title.="your code";
	    return $title;

2. Hook for change shipping method cost

	    $cost.="your code";
	    return $cost;

3. Hook for add anything before city field

	    echo  'your code here';

4. Hook for add anything after city field

	    echo  'your code here';

5. Hook for add anything before country field

	    echo  'your code here';

6. Hook for add anything after country field

	    echo  'your code here';

7. Hook for add anything before state field

	    echo  'your code here';

8. Hook for add anything after state field

	    echo  'your code here';

9. Hook for add anything before postcode field

	    echo  'your code here';

10. Hook for add anything after postcode field

	    echo  'your code here';